10 Low-Maintenance Plants Perfect for Busy Urbanites

10 Low-Maintenance Plants Perfect for Busy Urbanites

Feb 7, 2023
mins read

If you're a busy urbanite, you probably don't have a lot of time to devote to gardening. But fear not! There are plenty of low-maintenance plants that are perfect for you. From succulents to herbs, here are ten options that will brighten up your home without taking up all of your time:

Aloe Vera

This plant is known for its healing properties and is incredibly low-maintenance. Simply place it in a sunny spot and water it once a week.

Aloe Vera

Snake Plant

This tall, spiky plant is one of the toughest houseplants out there. It can survive in low light, irregular watering, and even neglect.

Snake Plant

Spider Plant

This plant is perfect for those who forget to water their plants. Its long, curly leaves will let you know when it's time for a drink.

Spider Plant


This plant is a natural air purifier and is incredibly easy to care for. Simply place it in a bright, indirect light and water it once a week.



These tiny plants are perfect for small spaces and require very little care. Simply place them in a sunny spot and water them once a week.



This herb is both low-maintenance and incredibly useful. Simply place it in a sunny spot and use its fragrant leaves for cooking.



This herb is perfect for those who love a little flavor in their life. Simply place it in a sunny spot and water it once a week.


Lemon Balm

This fragrant herb is perfect for those who love a bit of fragrance in their home. Simply place it in a sunny spot and water it once a week.

Lemon Balm


This herb is perfect for those who love fresh basil in their cooking. Simply place it in a sunny spot and water it once a week.



This herb is perfect for those who love a little bit of flavor in their cooking. Simply place it in a sunny spot and water it once a week.

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